Linus Englund
Finding the Dramatic and the Delicate in Swedish Nature
Swedish creative Linus Englund doesn’t stray far from home when he sets out to photograph nature. Living on the beautiful countryside in Småland, Sweden does help, of course. Whether he wanders through forests or farmland, Linus finds spectacular lighting that helps elevate his flora and fauna images on the X1D II 50C to another level, transforming flowers and moss-covered rocks into delicate subjects.
Nature has always been close to my heart; it’s where I can feel calm and breathe out. Therefore, it has become a natural choice for me.
I look for details, like small flashes of light shining through the trees of a forest. The subjects can consist of anything – all you need is the right light and the right opportunity to try to recreate that feeling you get in that moment.
All my images are taken around the area where I live; I never go further than 20 minutes away. This is what I want to show – that you don’t have to go far to find beautiful scenes.
The way the X1D II reproduces natural light is almost exemplary and seeing this in live view makes shooting incredibly easy. Both in daylight and in darker environments, for example just before the sun rises, the camera does a great job, giving me full control over the shadows and highlights.
Using the X1D II is a fantastic experience: sharpness, dynamic range, easily accessible buttons and functions, a large and clear display that has really made it easier for me in many situations. And being able to use the electronic shutter is a clear advantage when silence is required in nature.
It [the X1D II] is incredibly accurate at reproducing natural colours in nature. Even though I shoot in RAW, not much editing is needed to achieve the final image.
Swedish nature photographer Linus Englund started his photographic journey as a hobby when he started shooting with his father’s analog camera in his younger years. For the last 15 years, Linus has been capturing the nature around his countryside home in Småland as a reminder of the everyday beauty around us that we might forget to appreciate. See more of his work on his IG:
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