A Brazilian native himself, Gleeson Paulino grew curious in more recent years about the lives of the indigenous natives of his home country, including the protection of their societies and the Amazon. Exploring themes of identity, culture, and the threat of climate change to its ecosystems, Gleeson’s series sheds light on the beauty of Brazil’s diversity, from its people to its landscapes. Inviting viewers to see contemporary Brazil from a new eye – as a land of lust, hope and longing – Gleeson provokes the senses through a sublime colour flow and exquisite image juxtapositions, captured on the H6D-100c.


Gleeson Paulino grew up in one of the most biodiverse ecosystems in the world, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul in south-west Brazil. Raised in a Brazilian Evangelical family meant growing up in a strict religious environment. But at 17 years old, Gleeson left his home country and moved to England to start his exploration of the globe. Years later, Gleeson’s curiosity to explore the indigenous roots of his people within modern Brazil drove him to engage on a journey through the Amazon, north-east, south-east, and central regions of the luscious country.


Familiar with Brazil’s regions, Gleeson knew exactly the spots he wanted to shoot in and even the places he was interested to explore further. “Once on location, the work was to unearth the beauty and simplicity that each place had to offer,” says Gleeson. Some of the subjects in the images were selected ahead of time to be part of the project, but the majority of the series’ faces were people that were met along the journey – people that had that special something, in Gleeson’s eye. The colours of Brazil come alive in Gleeson’s work, which is beautifully paired together in various juxtapositions in collaboration with the project’s Art Co-Director Anouk Wirtz.  Contrasting light with dark, inverted tones, and scenes that superbly match each other, Gleeson’s Brazil is presented like a fine art fantasy that invites you to visit the diverse land.

The large format pictures that are captured by the H6D-100c make it the perfect option to document fine art. The resolution is excellent, capturing the most minor details which are fundamental for portraying certain emotions that I want to convey. Colour capture is magnificent – almost no retouch needed – which helps in post-production.


Brazilian image maker Gleeson Paulino produces photographs and videos in Sao Paulo, London and Paris. With one foot in Europe and the other in Latin America, he frames his subjects using both old world and new world aesthetics. His neo-romantic images demonstrate a contemporary authenticity while existing in a fantasy of the present filled with lust, dreams, and longing. His work has been published in multiple high-fashion magazines and exhibited internationally. See more of his work here.

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