アート部門 受賞者
Born in 1988, Slovakian photographer Maria Svarbova originally studied conservation-restoration and archeology before dedicating herself to photography in 2010.
What do you try to achieve through your work?
Harmony and Balance.
People are the main inspiration for me; they truly fascinate me.
What do you want viewers to get from your project?
The atmosphere that’s depicted through a palette of pastel colors and overexposed tones transports the viewer into a sterilized world in which the characters have chosen to give up any kind of emotional extravagance that might unmask them. My photos are minimalistic but also futuristic.
How was your experience using a Hasselblad medium format camera for carrying out your project?
I have to say, I love the Hasselblad H6D-100c camera so much. Right now, it’s the best camera to create my pictures. I’m not a technical photographer, but I know what’s great for my photos. There are so many details that are revealed by the camera in the pictures. The dynamic range is amazing.